Progressive Homeowners Insurance Review

Your home is more than just a structure; it’s a place filled with memories, love, and the foundation of your life. To protect this valuable asset, you need homeowners insurance. Progressive, known for its innovative approach to insurance, offers a homeowners insurance policy that deserves a closer look. In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore the key features, benefits, and considerations of Progressive homeowners insurance to help you make an informed decision about safeguarding your home and possessions.

About Progressive Insurance

Progressive is a well-established insurance company with over 80 years of experience in the industry. While it’s primarily recognized for its auto insurance offerings and the iconic Flo character, Progressive also provides a range of insurance products, including homeowners insurance. With a commitment to providing accessible and comprehensive coverage, Progressive is a solid choice for those seeking to protect their homes.

Key Features of Progressive Homeowners Insurance

Progressive’s homeowners insurance policies come with a set of features and benefits that make it a compelling option for homeowners. Here are some of the key features you can expect:

  1. Dwelling Coverage: Progressive provides coverage for the structure of your home, including repairs or rebuilding in the event of damage or destruction due to covered perils. This ensures that your investment is protected in case of unfortunate events like fires, storms, or vandalism.
  2. Personal Property Coverage: Your personal belongings, from furniture and appliances to clothing and electronics, are covered by Progressive’s homeowners insurance. This extends to items damaged or stolen both within and outside your home.
  3. Liability Protection: Progressive offers liability coverage to protect you in case someone is injured on your property, and you are found legally responsible. This includes medical payments to others and legal defense costs.
  4. Guest Medical Coverage: If a guest is injured on your property, this coverage helps pay for their medical expenses, regardless of who is at fault.
  5. Loss of Use Coverage: In the event your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss, Progressive provides coverage for additional living expenses, such as temporary housing and meal costs.
  6. Personal Liability Umbrella: Progressive offers an optional personal liability umbrella policy that can provide additional liability coverage beyond what is included in your standard homeowners insurance.
  7. Discounts: Progressive offers various discounts, including multi-policy discounts when bundling homeowners and auto insurance, as well as discounts for safety features in your home, loyalty, and more.
  8. Online Tools and Resources: Progressive provides digital tools and resources to help you manage your homeowners insurance policy, make claims, and get support. Their user-friendly website and mobile app make it easy to access policy information and file claims.

Benefits of Progressive Homeowners Insurance

  1. Customizable Policies: Progressive allows you to tailor your homeowners insurance policy to your specific needs. You can select different coverage limits and deductible options to find a policy that suits your budget and requirements.
  2. Financial Strength: Progressive is a financially stable and reputable insurance company, ensuring that they can fulfill their commitments and provide the necessary support when you need it most.
  3. Discount Opportunities: With various discount options, Progressive makes it possible for policyholders to save on their insurance premiums, which is always a plus for budget-conscious homeowners.
  4. Bundling Options: If you already have auto insurance with Progressive or are interested in bundling, you can benefit from multi-policy discounts, simplifying your insurance management and potentially saving you money.
  5. Responsive Customer Service: Progressive is known for its responsive customer service. You can reach out to their support team through various channels, including phone, email, or online chat, for any questions or assistance.
  6. Digital Tools: Their online tools and mobile app provide policyholders with the convenience of managing their insurance policies, making payments, and filing claims from the comfort of their homes.



Progressive homeowners insurance is a strong contender for safeguarding your home and personal belongings. With its range of coverage options, customizable policies, and discounts, it offers homeowners flexibility and value. While the cost of homeowners insurance varies based on individual factors, Progressive’s reputation for customer service and financial stability makes it a trusted choice in the insurance industry.


As with any insurance decision, it’s crucial to thoroughly review your policy, understand its terms and limitations, and ensure that it meets your unique needs. Progressive homeowners insurance is designed to provide peace of mind, allowing you to focus on creating a safe and secure living environment for you and your family.

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